Friday, September 12, 2008

Life is a gift....Should one man deicide the fate of an unborn child?

I literally have been crying since I have watched this clip on abortion views of Barack Obama. I was on the fence about who I would vote for in November and usually I'm not a very political person at all. But I know now  I will NOT vote for  Obama. How could anyone with a heart be for something so evil and heartless.  There are so many people in this world that would give anything to have a baby. Why is it fair for someone that has been "burdened" with being pregnant out of selfishness be able to choose to MURDER their child? 


Leigh Hadlock said...

oh my gosh.. that is so sad..

michael & brittany said...

Is that for real..since when is that allowed and not considered a full on murder. I had no idea that existed... anyone who can do that or supports that should DIE.

Sheri Keilman said...

That makes me sick to my stomach. I'm so not looking forward to voting this year. I'm not happy with either candidate.