Friday, September 19, 2008


5 things I was doing 1o years ago.

1. I was 14 year old! hahaha that sounds really young. 
2. I was going to Canyon View Jr High and Chris's mom was my geography teacher! Weird huh?
3. I was going to California every chance I could because I just loved being there. I had a lot of really good friends there from living with my aunt and uncle the year before.
4. I was probably talking about boys with my girlfriends? I don't know this is HARD!
5. Going to the mall all the time and bumming money off of my dad.

5 things on today to-do list.

1. Go to Broadbents to check out there fabric to add to the Mod Podge obbsession.
2. Go buy new rubber bands for Avery. (We are out and one pony tale is barely being held in with a broken rubber band.
3. Clean up doggie mess.
4. Pick up the house since it is up for rent. And I want it perfect so someone wants to live here.
5. Wait patiently while Chris gets home late from work :(

5 snacks  I enjoy

1. Ice cream of any kind.
2. Doritos and cottage cheese. ( I finished one of the big things of cottage cheese in like 3 days by myself) YIKES!
3. Crackers and Cheese
4.  Diet coke
5.  Yogurt

5 things I would do if I were a millionare

1. Buy our dream house. One that we would never want to move from. And that has a rockin backyard so I can take pictures there. 

2. Help out my mom so she wouldn't have to worry about renting or a car.

3. Save a whole lot of it in a high interest savings account.

4. Buy all the photography equipment I need for my studio.

5. Go on a long vacation. Travel the world!

5 places I've lived

1. Born in Hawaii

2. Florida

3. California

4. Utah

5. Breakdown of Utah. (Provo, Lindon, Orem, Lehi)


Shannon said...

Yum, Dorito's and cottage cheese. I've never tried that, but I will now.

Genessa said...

Thanks for your comment Crystal! I'll leave one here blog now has a new look, so thanks for inspiring me :) How did friday turn out?