Wednesday, January 21, 2009

so I guess we should share our secret

Avery is so excited to be a big sister!

Yes Chris convinced me to take a fam pic even though I feel HUGE!

I guess its ok to share our little secret! Yes we are pregnant with our 2nd! I am a little over 12 weeks now and slowly starting to not feel deathly sick everyday. Hence the lack of posts. The doctor said we are pretty much in the clear now but with my whole double uterus thing its still a mystery on what will exactly happen.  I had Avery in my right side with the normal cervix so we know that side is ok even though I had her at 33 weeks.  Most women with the anatomy do have their babies premature because the baby runs out of space. With Ave I had pre-eclamsia so we don't know how much longer I could have carried her. This pregnancy is in the left side with the small cervix so the doctor says we don't know if I will have a normal delivery like Ave or if I will have a c- section but we will worry about that when we get there. The only real mystery is is how early will I have this baby. My due date is August 5th.  So they are just keeping a real close eye on me and we will just see. Im just preparing myself for another early baby. Im ok with that as long as he/she is healthy! Anyways if anyone has any questions about the weird situation with uterus ask away oh and we all know I have one kidney too! I think I got in the wrong line!


Sister Baller said...

That's a good analogy, I think I got in the wrong line too. Good luck. Maybe you will be like me and you'll plan on early and make it further. I'm still wondering when she'll be born. Thinking of you all the time!

Taunya said...

I think your pic is really cute! and I'm glad you're starting to feel better.

Nicki Swilor said...

Oh my gosh! Congratulations. I totally forgot about your double uterus. How could someone forget that? Good luck with everything. I'm so excited for you guys!

Paul and Heidi Broadbent said...

Congratulations guys! That is so exciting. I hope everything goes well. I love Avery's pictures too.