Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Avery is such a big girl!

A while back we went to McDonalds with my niece and nephew and taada we got these amazingly cute pictures of Avo being a cheese ball! Avery is turning into quite the young lady.  Chris told her the other night binkies are for babies and she is a big girl and doesn't need a binkie anymore. She said ok! and handed it over I was shocked! Because we all know how miss Avery is a very opinionated little girl and likes things to be her way or her idea. Surprisingly she slept through the night just fine and didn't ask for the binkie once. She has asked for it a couple of times now but we just say binkies are for babies and you are a big girl and she gets this HUGE smile on her face and is fine.  Avery has also started to potty train a bit more. She will go 3-4 times on the big girl potty a day which I think is amazing and most of the time wears big girl pull ups. In fact we spent new years sitting in the bathroom while she made her first number 2 in the toilet. Chris said hey happy new year and we both laughed and couldn't have wished to spend it any other way. Avery is talks so much now and sometimes we are like be quiet for just a minute! She is talking in very short sentences and will pretty much copy any word you say even if you don't mean to say it (if you know what I mean). The other day Chris was like this is stupid and Avery copied! Stupid stupid stupid. We couldn't stop laughing. She is pretty much obsessed with Dora now and says Beuno all the time.  She still hates eating unless its yogurt (which she call wenert) pizza, chicken nuggets only from McDonalds, mac and cheese, and quesadillas, and baby food of corse! She is in love with babies and playing with her friends. Oh and she is obsessed with her daddy! She is definitely a daddys girl. Anyways there is a little update on miss Avery.

1 comment:

Nicki Swilor said...

She's getting so big! I love the face painting picture. Can't wait to see you on Friday!