Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Good lil' Sleepers

So Avery went to her Aunt Lacie's on Monday for the day. She loves going over and playing with her cousins! We all know how bad of a sleeper Avery is. Right now were are trying to stay to a pretty stick schedule so we can get her sleeping through the night. Yes she is 2 and 1/2 and still wakes up at least once at night. It very brief and usually she will go right back to sleep if you check on her.  She has given up naps  most days but we still have consistent "quiet time" where she stays in her room for an hour and reads or she falls asleep. We never know if she will, even though you can see she really does need some daytime sleep.  Anyways by some miracle Lacie was able to get bother toddlers to fall asleep in the same bed. And these girl just don't fall asleep anywhere very easily. CRAZY! She got this cute picture of them. The crazy thing is they are sleeping so close and slept for like two hours that way! Thanks Lacie what a trooper!


dlhadlock said...

They look so cute when they sleep. and so peaceful....

Omgirl said...

That is totally amazing! I can't even imagine Daphne falling asleep next to a friend like that.

Unknown said...

Avery is so beautiful!!

Sandy/Mom said...

This is totally impossible to believe.................
wow, Lacie works miracles...