I got tagged by michelle to do this little thingy... So my favorite number use to be 3 but now is 11.. sorry michelle (I'm not trying to copy cat) its just the day Avery was born 11/11 at 7:11. But 3 is good too because thats the day me and chris were married! So I guess i'll start with 11 then if I can't think of 11 things I'll do 3.
11 shows I like to watch:
2. Survivor TONIGHT YO@ 7:00
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Heros
5. Private Practice
6. Pushing Daiseys
7. Ghost Hunters.... deep down I want to be a paranormal investigator but I'm too scared to do it and we all know if you become an investigator you can't be scared!
8. umm.... Ugly Betty
9. Yo Gabba Gabba (my fav kids show)
11 things I did yesterday...
1. Woke up
2. Ate breakfast
3. Fed Avery breakfast
4. watched cartoons
5. Took a shower
6. Gave Avery a bath
7. Went to Alisons
8. Retouched some pics/ blogged
9. Took some modeling pics
10. Ate dinner
11. watched some tv
11 places I love to eat okay 3 places...
1. Yapona
2. Olive Garden
3. Chilis
11 things I'm looking forward to
2. Averys dance recital
3. Survivor night tonight
4. Thanksgiving
5. Christmas
6. Averys birthday
7. Halloween (Trick or treating with Avery)
8. Going to Roberts to get 50% off Halloween decor!
9. Running tomorrow (hopefully I stick with it)
10. Having Chris come home from work
11. Lacey's sensie party
11 places I want to go:
1. Hawaii (I was born there and just would like to go back sometime)
2. Cancun (I've been twice in high school and I wanna go with Chris!)
3. England
4. Ireland (where my ancestors are from)
5. Panama (where my mom is from)
6. Tennessee (Where Chris went on his mission)
7. Yellowstone
8. Jacksonhole
9. San Francisco
10. Europe
11. Egypt?
HAHA 11 places I want to go isn't even in the survey but I'm not erasing it!
11 things on my wish list:
1. 70-200 mm L 2.8 Canon Lens
2. Studio lights
3. Audi A3 complete with rocking awesome wheels
4. House
5. Another baby
6. Our family to be safe and healthy (yes I know cheezy)
7. A studio
8. Unlimited supply of moola
9. A vacation with just my hubby
10. Avery to sleep through the night
11. An in home Chef! YAY
Tag anyone who wants to do it!