Saturday, August 30, 2008
In her shoes.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Shake it shake it like a polaroid picture
Today was Averys first day at dance class. Lets just say it was VERY interesting! I will say she had so much fun; but it was just craziness most of the time. Picture trying to get eight 2 year olds together for 45 minutes and teach them several different things. It was HILARIOUS! Children where running everywhere. Princess music was playing in the background. Avery did pretty well she loved ring-around-the-rosy, walking on the balance beam, and the jumping around. Other than that she pretty much ran around everywhere. It was quite the workout for me. I think it will be good for her to be around other kids and learn. Because this girl LOVES to dance. I think they should play hip hop music rather than cheesy princess music avery would like it a whole lot better. She always raises the roof now and sings along. Next week the girls wear tap shoes. I have a feeling Avery wont want to take them off!
The whole time avery just wanted to play ring-around-the-rosy so she kept trying to hold everyones hands.
Princess time!
Avery picking her nose. YES I finally caught it on camera!
Just a little drumming
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Potty Time!
Avery decided a few weeks ago she wanted to go on the potty. So we made a trip to good ol' Target and got all the goods. We got a potty chair, a really cool potty book that makes a flushing noise, flush-able wipes, and a step stool. Oh we were prepared. And Avery was so excited. We set everything up in her newly decorated under the sea bathroom. {It was very motivational} And we were off. Potty time. Avery kept running to the bathroom door (we have to keep it closed since she LOVES playing in the toliet and in the sink) every couple minutes saying, "potty, potty" So I would put her on and she would stay there for quite a while. (long enough to get a ring around the bum) AND.....nothing. Then we went down hill. The stays on the potty got shorter and shorter. BUT avery did master going twice on the big girl potty. Now I'm lucky if she will sit there for 2 seconds. Yesterday morning she was in the tub and said, "mommy poop" So I put her on the potty ......and 2 seconds later. "Down, done" so I put her down. By the time I chased her down to put a new diaper on she was standing on our toilet seat going pee pee...I guess she really needed to go potty but wasn't patient enough to go in her own toilet. So i figure I will hold off on the potty for a while and wait until she is ready again. So here is a little picture so you can enjoy Avery sitting on her big girl potty.
I guess its time to do some updates...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Hot Hot Jalepenos
So last night me and my friend michelle made Jalepenos poppers. Well mostly just michelle, because I of corse had to have a firery reaction to the fumes taking over my house. At first I just coughed a whole lot as the sent of hotness creeped into my throat as I de-seeded the jalepenos then I had to blow my nose because it started running uncontrollably from the burning sensation taking over my face and hands. What the heck!?.... could all that hotness actually go through the tissue I was using to blow my nose and create TOTAL pain and agony. I ran to the fridge as the burning continued to escalate and grabbed a bag of frozen veggies. Finally relief. But to my horror I couldn't even take it off my face because the moment I did PAIN! I was literally freaking out buggers running down my face, eyes watering. I frantically googled what to do when your an idiot and rub your face while de-seeding flaming hot Jalepenos. First remedy I tried- orange juice.....nothing.... Second remedy- milk......some relief for like two seconds then agony. Third remedy- rubbing achohol...Yikes! tastes terrible. Smells terrible NO RELIEF! Fourth remedy- run to neighbors with mascara, buggers, and tears running down my face. Get baking soda. Make disgusting paste. Put paste all over face. Wait by the fan in PAIN....AND nothing! Fifth remedy- Scrub my face with cleanser, use face astringent (both expensive and cheap kind) Put a face mask on AND......FINALLY RELIEF! least I didn't feel like I was going to die anymore. But i wasn't out of the woods yet. My fingers started to burn and then I had to do all the remedies all over again. And ya if you touch anywhere while your fingers are burning it SPREADS! So today my face , fingers, and the ear i scratched with my fingers are slightly stinging but it is bearable. NOTE TO SELF.... don't ever make Jalepenos poppers EVER again OR wear gloves, a mask, maybe even a biohazard suit and don't touch anything until you are hosed down with some sort of biohazard cleaner.
p.s. We had a fun filled weekend at our friends cam and Janes. We have some fun pics to put on here but problem I can't find our camera at the moment.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Check out our new 20'' Wheels!!!!
Discovery Gateway
Today we went to discovery gateway with my friend Genessa and her niece. It was the coolest place ever! Avery had so much fun and never ran out of things to explore. It really is a cool place for kids to go to learn skills while they play. We will definitely be going back.
Avery loves motorcycles and everytime she sees one she yells Papa papa daddy daddy! Chris took his bike out to take some after pictures of the work he has done on it. He has lowered it, got new handle bars, new LOUD pipes, some sort of racing thingy that makes it faster, and he wrapped his pipes withe this black heat shield. It looks so RAD!
Some fun Avery movies.
This is absolutely my favorite word Avery is saying now. I always ask her to say it because it just make me smile! And the awesome thing is she knows who her cousins are and when she sees pictures of them she'll point and say cousin.
The other day I came into the living room and Avery was historically laughing. At first I thought she was dumping out her apple juice; but to my surprise she had figured out by squeezing the empty juice box the straw would fly out. She was laughing so hard and just having a blast. I just am in awe everyday at how smart Avery is and what things she does. She definitely keeps us entertained.
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