Thursday, November 6, 2008


We were able to go to Cornbellys twice this year which was so fun! Me, Avery , and my mom went on Halloween then we went the next day with our friends McKell and Dan. Avery had so much fun. (As you can tell since she has a huge smile below)

I had to take my work camera and I absolutely love that I did because I got this beautiful picture of Avery's REAL smile!

She looks so tiny up on that chair. It reminds me of when she was just barely sitting up.

I cannot believe we got her to put her head through there!

Avery followed the pumpkin princess everywhere because she knew she had candy.

Cornbellys Day number 2!

Good ol slidin fun

Avery's new boyfriend Isaac

1 comment:

McKell said...

What a good pick for a boyfriend!;)